SNAP Feeds Alabama


SNAP feeds our community


Food. It’s nourishment for our bodies. It’s how we connect. And it’s how we show our friends, families and neighbors that we care. And yet, sometimes money falls short and food feels beyond our reach. That’s why we have SNAPthe Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programa national, public program with major local impact. SNAP offers a way for our neighbors to keep food on the table when times are tough.

SNAP helps

  • Prevent Hunger
  • Boost local businesses
  • Lift people out of poverty
  • Keep food on the table when recovering from natural disasters
  • Move fresh food from farmers to kitchens


Lila Anna

Anti-Hunger Advocate


Anti-Hunger Advocate


Anti-Hunger Advocate


Social Worker


Faith Leader


Small Business Owner


SNAP Participant


College Student

Benefits Enrollment Center

We have partnered with This is Alabama and Wells Fargo for this Hunger Action Month. Show your support for Feeding Alabama and our member food banks. All proceeds from sales go directly to our member food banks. Visit our store today!